
  • Sri Hartini Juni Astuti Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Tarbiyah Syekh Muhammad Nafis Tabalong, Indonesia


Management, Change, and Service Quality.


The main problem in this thesis departs from the implementation of change management carried out by the head of the madrasa in improving the quality of service in the administration sector. The management of changes in administration carried out by the head of this madrasa is relatively new, which for the MA level has only been carried out at MAN 1 Tabalong and MAN 2 Tabalong. Therefore it is necessary to examine to determine how far the change management has been running. This study aims to determine the implementation of change management in MAN 1 Tabalong in order to improve the quality of administrative services. The type of research that the author uses is a type of field research or field research using a qualitative descriptive method. Data collection techniques in this study were obtained from the results of observations, interviews and documentation of researchers with the head of the madrasah, the administration and staff, students and parents of students at MAN 1 Tabalong. Data processing was carried out in a qualitative descriptive manner, then described and classified aspects of certain problems and explained through effective sentences guided by Indonesian Spelling (EBI). The results of the study show that the Implementation of Change Management by Madrasah Principals in Improving Service Quality has been going well. Change management can be carried out with an understanding of each activity unit regarding the main tasks and functions of each. In carrying out the changes guided by the Decree of the Minister of Religion concerning Integrated Services at the Ministry of Religion. Changes in efforts to improve the quality of madrasah services were made in the field of information technology and administration of service activities to education consumers.


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