ADIBA : JOURNAL OF EDUCATION <p><strong>This journal focuses</strong> on matters relating to general Education and Islam with field studies and literature. The scopes in this study include; Education in the family, Education in schools (from early childhood education to high school education), Al-Quran and Hadith Studies on Education, Philosophy of Islamic and General Education, History of Islamic and General Education, Theology of Islamic and General Education, Islamic Education Policy and General, Islamic and General Education Politics, Islamic and General Education Professionalism, Islamic and General Education Curriculum, ICT in Islamic and General Education, E-Learning in Islamic and General Education, Islamic and General Educational Institutions, Teaching and Learning in Islamic and General Education, Ethnography of Islamic and General Education, Islamic Education Based on Local Wisdom, Theory Development and Learning Design, Psychology of Islamic Education, Paradigm of Islamic Education, Character of Islamic Education, Gender in Islamic Education and other studies.</p> <p><strong>In one year</strong> this journal will be published 4 times, namely in January, April, July, and October.</p> <p> </p> en-US (Entin Solihah) (Aslan) Tue, 19 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 ANALISIS PENGARUH STRATEGI PRAKERIN DAN MINAT KERJA TERHADAP KESIAPAN KERJA PESERTA DIDIK MENENGAH KEJURUAN <p><em>This research aims to determine the role of schools, especially vocational secondary education, in facilitating students through internships to enter the world of work. The research method used is a qualitative method, namely qualitative data obtained from library research or literature studies from various sources. The research results show that vocational secondary education plays a very big role. An important role in integrating students into the world of work. However, schools cannot guarantee 100% because students' success in finding work depends on their personal skills and competencies. The school tries to provide various facilities such as career guidance and industrial work practices (Prakerin) to students.</em></p> Helen Libastari Copyright (c) 2024 ADIBA : JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Tue, 19 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENGARUH PEMBELAJARAN PROJECT BASED LEARNING DALAM MENINGKATKAN EFIKASI DIRI PADA SISWA SMK <p><em>Based on the results of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) study, it shows that Indonesian students' self-confidence in their abilities or self-efficacy is below average. Given these problems, a learning model is needed that can influence students' self-efficacy. This research aims to analyze the influence of Project-Based Learning (PjBL) in increasing the self-efficacy of Vocational High School (SMK) students. PjBL learning has become the main focus in efforts to increase self-efficacy in vocational school students. This article conducts a critical study of the influence of PjBL in increasing vocational school students' self-efficacy. By integrating theories of learning and self-efficacy, we explore empirical evidence supporting the role of PjBL in strengthening students' beliefs in their abilities to achieve academic and professional goals. In addition, we analyze the factors and processes that influence PjBL in increasing self-efficacy in vocational school students and provide recommendations to increase its effectiveness. Through this research, we hope to provide valuable insights for educators, policy makers, and educational practitioners, as well as provide a foundation for further research in this domain.</em></p> Galas Esha Prananda Copyright (c) 2024 ADIBA : JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Tue, 19 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 STRATEGI PENGGUNAAN TEKNOLOGI AUGMENTED REALITY DALAM PEMBELAJARAN SMK <p><em>The application of Augmented Reality (AR) technology in Vocational High School (SMK) learning is becoming increasingly important to prepare students to face the demands of the ever-growing world of work. However, infrastructure constraints, resource availability, and lack of teacher understanding are the main obstacles to effectively integrating AR. This research aims to identify effective strategies in maximizing the potential of AR in vocational school learning and analyze the obstacles that may arise. Suggested strategies include curriculum development integrated with AR, teacher training, infrastructure investment, and cross-sector collaboration. By implementing this strategy, it is hoped that the application of AR in vocational school learning can make a positive contribution to student development and prepare them for an increasingly technological and dynamic world of work.</em></p> Mulyana Kusandi Copyright (c) 2024 ADIBA : JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Wed, 20 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 KESENJANGAN KURIKULUM SMK DENGAN KEBUTUHAN INDUSTRI <p><em>Education within the SMK and vokasi sector entails a holistic educational program aimed at augmenting expertise and knowledge within specific domains. This curriculum predominantly emphasizes practical applications and hands-on experience relevant to various vocations. The alignment with industry requisites is imperative for streamlining industrial operations efficiently and effectively. However, the current SMK curriculum lacks synchronization with the dynamic industrial landscape, raising concerns about its relevance. Hence, there is a pressing need to prioritize the development of the SMK curriculum. This article employs a systematic literature review method to gather data comprehensively. Literature analysis entails scrutinizing pertinent sources to garner insights into specific subjects. The study seeks to comprehend existing literature, research inquiries, and variables. The Indonesian education system distinguishes itself through its emphasis on quality, quantity, locality, and employment aspects. The curriculum serves as a pivotal element in elevating educational standards, constituting the cornerstone of schooling. Ultimately, the overarching aim of education is to enhance the quality of human resources, thereby enriching individual lives and contributing to Indonesian society. In essence, the SMK curriculum plays a pivotal role in elevating educational standards within the SMK and Vokasi sectors.</em></p> Sarah Nur Halizah Copyright (c) 2024 ADIBA : JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Wed, 20 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 SYSTEMATIC LITERATURE REVIEW : PENERAPAN MODEL PEMBELAJARAN DISCOVERY LEARNING DALAM MENINGKATKAN KETRAMPILAN PRAKTIK INDUSTRI SISWA TINGKAT KEJURUAN <p><em>Apart from the fact that the vocational preparation prepared by each vocational school is not optimal, because students do not yet have insight into industrial practice in the field, the impact of direct practical learning in industry is still very low. Therefore, teachers are expected to provide preparatory training to improve students' abilities and provide industrial training as well as additional training with preparatory training. The purpose of this research is to find out that the application of the Discovery Learning Learning Model can improve the skills of vocational level students. The method used in this research is the SLR (Systematic Literature Review) method. . In this Systematic Literature Review research, there are 10 journals to be studied in more depth. The research results show that. 1) Application of the Discovery Learning Learning Model can improve vocational level students' industrial practical skills. 2) Before students enter the field, students can be given the theories that will exist later and also how to solve problems if there are problems using discovery learning. 3) By using this discovery learning model, learning in the classroom can be carried out systematically and in a fun and enjoyable learning atmosphere, students are required to be more active in ongoing learning activities, can improve students' analytical skills in solving problems, have a high sense of self-confidence so that it can reduce fear and doubt in students, and also ensure that interaction and cooperation between students and other students can run well.</em></p> Amalia Miranti Copyright (c) 2024 ADIBA : JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Wed, 20 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENGARUH GAYA BELAJAR AUDITORI TERHADAP KINERJA PRAKTIKUM <p><em>Learning styles themselves are divided into three areas, namely visual, auditory and kinesthetic learning styles. All students should have these three learning styles. But the fact is that each learner has a different learning style. Auditory learning style itself is a learning style where students use their sense of hearing to capture and understand information, such as by listening to audio tapes, listening to video tutorials, and listening to lecturers' instructions. Auditory learning style has two types of influence on practicum performance, namely positive influence and negative influence. In this article, it is explained that the positive effect of auditory learning style on practicum is that students are able to understand information from the lecturer's instructions only through verbal messages (lectures) without seeing the jobsheet. In addition, there is also a perceived advantage that students are able to multitask during practicum, such as listening to video tutorials at the same time as the practicum process. Meanwhile, the negative effect described in this article is that there will be differences in the speed of understanding ability among students if the teacher only provides instructions through the jobsheet.</em></p> Muhammad Haikal Kyandaru Copyright (c) 2024 ADIBA : JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 KESENJANGAN PERALATAN DAN TEKNOLOGI PADA SEKOLAH ATAU PUSAT PELATIHAN VOKASIONAL <p><em>One of the educational systems that exists in Indonesia is the vocational education system. </em><em>Vocational education purpose is to produce ready-to-work graduates who have the relevant skills for current job employment.</em> <em>The ability of hard skills and soft skills plays a central, vital, and urgent role for vocational education. Industrial world hope that vocational education graduate have competencies in the form of adequate, superior, capable, and qualified hard skills and soft skills.</em><em>In vocational learning, practical facilities are very important in supporting the learning process which according to the concept of vocational learning is to prioritize practice. The&nbsp; educational process of course, requires adequate facilities or infrastructure. </em><em>If the school has facilitated by providing infrastructure to support learning, then both teachers and students will be able to utilize and optimize the learning process and training activities at school. </em><em>Therefore, this research was conducted to determine the influence of availablity facilities and infrastructure in the practical learning process.</em></p> Pramudya Pradana Fauzani Copyright (c) 2024 ADIBA : JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENGOPTIMALAN PROGRAM LINK AND MATCH BAGI MASA DEPAN MAHASISWA PENDIDIKAN VOKASIONAL <p><em>In the process of progressing a nation, one of the most important parts is the existence of quality human resources (HR) who have equal knowledge and expertise in all fields, so that quality human resources can be obtained and have competent skills. Therefore, vocational education must be able to keep up with the development of business and industry. This article is conducted using research with the Literature Review method, which is a review and critical evaluation of previously existing sources and conducts discussions that are relevant to the research topic. This approach is carried out to describe the results of the analysis carried out on various sources such as journals, books, papers that discuss factors related to the topic of this research, namely the optimization of link and match programs in Vocational Education. This research provides information that the role of DUDI is very important in helping to realize the achievement of human resources who have competent skills. </em></p> Satria Ramdhani Copyright (c) 2024 ADIBA : JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 KEEFEKTIFAN MEDIA VIDEO PEMBELAJARAN UNTUK PEMBELAJARAN MATA KULIAH JURUSAN PENDIDIKAN TEKNIK BANGUNAN PASCA COVID-19 <p><em>The use of video tutorial media in the context of learning technological images has become a subject of increasing attention in contemporary education. This research aims to spread the effectiveness of video tutorial media as a learning tool in teaching concepts and skills in technological drawing. This research method uses a quantitative approach with an experimental design of pre-test and post-test control groups. The research subjects consisted of secondary level students who were randomly divided into an experimental group that received learning using video tutorial media and a control group that received conventional learning. Data was collected through learning outcomes tests and student perception questionnaires regarding the use of video tutorial media. Data analysis was carried out using descriptive and inferential statistical techniques. Research findings show that learning using video tutorial media significantly increases students' understanding of concepts and skills in technological drawing compared to conventional learning. Apart from that, the student perception questionnaire showed a positive response to the use of video tutorial media in the learning process. This research makes an important contribution in highlighting the role of video tutorial media in increasing the effectiveness of technology image learning as well as providing recommendations for educational practitioners to integrate technology in innovative learning strategies. </em></p> Zefanya Tristan Copyright (c) 2024 ADIBA : JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENGARUH KETERSEDIAAN SARANA DAN PRASARANA DALAM PROSES PEMBELAJARAN <p><em>The existence of growing education, supported by the development of the human spirit has the ability to bring about change. One of the educational systems that exists in Indonesia is the vocational education system. Vocational education is a form of education that aims to develop an individual's full potential in terms of&nbsp; knowledge and skills to be competitive for work in a specific field. In vocational learning, practical facilities are very important in supporting the learning process which according to the concept of vocational learning is to prioritize practice. Therefore, this research was conducted to determine the influence of availablity facilities and infrastructure in the practical learning process</em></p> Hari Septian Danuarta Copyright (c) 2024 ADIBA : JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENGARUH MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS MULTIMEDIA INTERAKTIF MODEL CANVA PADA KOMPETENSI MAHASISWA TEKNIK BANGUNAN <p><em>This study aims to examine the effect of using interactive multimedia-based learning media Canva model on the competence of building engineering students. Data was obtained from analyzing related articles that discuss the application of Canva media in building engineering learning. The research method uses literature review, which involves reviewing and critically evaluating literature sources relevant to the research topic. The research results were written through a qualitative descriptive approach. Studies conducted by various researchers show that the use of the Canva model as an interactive multimedia-based learning media has a significant positive impact on improving student competence in understanding building engineering material. This shows that the use of interactive multimedia technology, such as Canva, can be an effective alternative in improving student competence in the field of building engineering. </em></p> Aldi Restu Putra Copyright (c) 2024 ADIBA : JOURNAL OF EDUCATION Fri, 29 Mar 2024 00:00:00 +0700