ZAHRA: JOURNAL OF HEALTH AND MEDICAL RESEARCH <p><strong>This Journal </strong>focuses on health sciences, including preventive, promotive, curative, and rehabilitative fields, by publishing "original articles" and "review articles." The scientific scope of the Health Scientific Journal include Medical and clinical research, Public health research (health management and policy, health promotion, reproductive health, epidemiology, as well as environmental health and occupational health), Midwifery management research or related to preventive and promotive policies and efforts, Nursing management research or those related to environmental nursing with health promotion efforts, Clinical pharmacy, Nutrition and other studies.</p> <p><strong>In one year</strong> this journal will be published 4 times, namely in January, April, July, and October.</p> CV. ADIBA ADISHA AMIRA en-US ZAHRA: JOURNAL OF HEALTH AND MEDICAL RESEARCH 2808-5396 COMPARISON OF HOMOGENEITY BETWEEN LYOPHILISED CONTROL MATERIAL AND IN-HOUSE CONTROL MATERIAL FOR GLUCOSE EXAMINATION <p><strong><em>B</em></strong><strong><em>ackground:</em></strong><em> Internal Quality Assurance (IQA) is a continuous monitoring activity by the laboratory to reduce or prevent errors in examination results using control materials. Homogeneity of the control material is very important because homogeneity shows that the control material is the same. <strong>Objective:</strong> To find out whether there is a difference in homogeneity between the lyophilized control material and the in-house control material for glucose examination. <strong>Research method:</strong> The type of research used was a quasi experiment with a simple random sampling technique at the SMC Clinical Laboratory, Telogorejo Hospital, Semarang. Data analysis uses the homogeneity calculation formula. <strong>Results:</strong> Based on the results of homogeneity calculations, it is known that the Fcount for the lyophilized control material is 0.9538 while the in-house control material is 2.1883, where both are &lt;Ftable (3.02) which means homogeneous. <strong>Conclusion:</strong> There is no difference in homogeneity between lyophilized control material and in-house control material for glucose examination. </em></p> Aulia Risqi Fatmariza Angga Eka Kurnia Danny Meganingdyah Primartati Copyright (c) 2024 ZAHRA: JOURNAL OF HEALTH AND MEDICAL RESEARCH 2024-04-25 2024-04-25 4 2 157 162 POLICY FOR IMPROVING MENTAL HEALTH THROUGH AN INTEGRATED APPROACH <p>In the face of the growing global mental health challenges, there is an urgent need to formulate and implement effective and sustainable mental health strategies. The study focuses on mental health and an integrated approach. This integrated approach emphasizes the importance of integrating promotional, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative efforts into a coherent framework to address mental health issues at all levels of society. The research method used is the study of literature by searching for references in accordance with the context of research. The results of the research show that policies to enhance mental health through an integrated approach offer effective strategies in dealing with complex and diverse mental health challenges. By integrating services across the spectrum of preventive, promotional, curative, and rehabilitative in a context that supports cross-sector cooperation, this policy promotes the creation of a more inclusive and inclusive mental health support system. The key to the successful implementation of this policy lies in joint inter-sectoral commitment, in-depth understanding of the local context, and sustainable investment in human and financial resources.</p> Umy Yonaevy Copyright (c) 2024 ZAHRA: JOURNAL OF HEALTH AND MEDICAL RESEARCH 2024-04-29 2024-04-29 4 2 163 171