EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research <p><strong>This journal</strong> focuses on education, both in general and in particular, both literature and field studies. In general, this means that this journal talks about all issues related to education. Specifically, it means that this journal talks about education in an informal and non-formal scope.</p> <p><strong>In one year</strong> this journal will be published 3 times, namely in february, june and october.</p> en-US (Entin Solihah) (aslan) Tue, 02 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 PERAN PENGASUH DALAM MENINGKATKAN KEMANDIRIAN ANAK DI PANTI ASUHAN MUHAMMADIYAH CAB.GUGUK II <p><em>An orphanage is an institution to shape the development of children who do not have parents or do not live with their families for certain reasons. An orphanage is a house, a place (residence), while or orphanage is a house where you look after and care for orphaned children and so on. In article 55 (33) or Republic or indonesia Law No.23 of 2002, it is explained that in relation to the maintenance and care of abandoned children, government institutions and community institutions, as intended ini paragraph 2, can collaborate with various related parties. An orphanage is defined as a house, place or residence used to care for orphans. In an orphanage, there is a caregiver who will educate, look after, protect and provide comfort to the children in his care. Caregivers are substitute parents who will be respected and appreciated by their foster children. There caregivers play a very important role in increasing the independence of children in the Muhammadiyah Cab.Guguk II orphanage.</em></p> Sri Nadia Wati, Hidayani Syam, Jhon Erita Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research Tue, 02 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 KEEFEKTIFAN LAYANAN BIMBINGAN KELOMPOK UNTUK MENGANTISIPASI PRILAKU BULLYING PADA SISWA MTSM LAWANG TIGO BALAI <p><em>Group tutoring is the provision of services in a group atmosphere by utilizing group dynamics. Group guidance is also a guidance activity given to a number of individuals carried out together, in order to help students in formulating and making the right decisions, group guidance is held to provide information of a professional, vocational and social nature. The aim of this research is to determine the effectiveness of group guidance services in anticipating bullying behavior among MTSM Lawang Tigo Balai students. Researchers used a quantitative research method approach with the type of pre-experiment, one group, pre-test, post-test. The subjects in the research were 10 children who volunteered to take part in group guidance. The data analysis technique uses the Wilcoxom rank test. The instrument used is a questionnaire. The Wilcoxom rank test analysis shows a value of 0.05, so it can be concluded that the implementation of group guidance services is effective in anticipating bullying behavior at MTSM Lawang Tigo Balai.</em></p> Rina Wati Putri , Syawaluddin Syawaluddin, Susi Maria Sari Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research Wed, 03 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 EFEKTIFITAS LAYANAN BIMBINGAN KELOMPOK UNTUK MENINGKATKAN KEPERCAYAAN DIRI ANAK DI PANTI ASUHAN CABANG ‘AISYIYAH MATUR <p><em>Group tutoring is the provision of services in a group atmosphere by utilizing group dynamics. This research started from the fact that there were some children from the 'Aisyiyah Matur branch of the orphanage who were shy when communicating with their environment, especially with people they had just met, then there were also some children who often stayed alone in their rooms rather than joining their friends. There are also children who are insecure because of their condition and status as well as children who often avoid being asked questions so that children like this can be said to lack self-confidence. Researchers tried to apply group guidance to increase the self-confidence of children in the orphanage. This research itself aims to reduce feelings of inferiority and increase self-confidence in orphanage children. The method used in this research is quantitative with the type of pre-experimental research, one group pre-test, post-test. The subjects of this research were children at the 'Aisyiyah Matur branch of the orphanage who lacked self-confidence. The data analysis technique uses the Wilxocom rank test. The research instrument used in this research is a measurement scale in the form of a questionnaire. The results of this research can be seen from the implementation of the pre-test and post-test with an increase in each child. Wilxocom signed rank test analysis shows a value of 0.012 &lt; 0.05, so it can be concluded that there is an increase in self-confidence through group guidance at the 'Aisyiyah Matur branch of the orphanage.</em></p> Rina Wati Putri , Syawaluddin Syawaluddin, Yusraini Yusraini Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research Wed, 03 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PARADIGMA PENDIDIK TERHADAP PENERAPAN KURIKULUM MERDEKA BELAJAR DI RAUDHATUL ATHFAL SWASTA HARAPAN BANDAR PULO <p><em>The implementation of the independent curriculum involves teachers, because teachers are the main actors in implementing the curriculum. This article aims to explain teachers' perceptions of the implementation of the independent curriculum at Raudhatul Athfal Swasta Harapan Bandar Pulo. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method. Research data collection techniques by conducting unstructured interviews. The respondents are class teachers. The research results show that: (1) Teachers support the Independent Learning Curriculum; (2) Training and socialization regarding the Independent Learning Curriculum has not been carried out optimally; (3) The changes experienced by teachers lie in students becoming active and increasing the sense of mutual cooperation due to project-based learning; (4) The teacher's obstacle in implementing the Independent Learning Curriculum lies in the administration system.</em></p> Rizky Sembiring Depari , Zaini Dahlan, Rizky Ade Yusuf, Taufik Hidayat Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research Wed, 03 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 HUBUNGAN METODE QUDWAH (KETELADANAN) DENGAN PEMBENTUKAN KARAKTER SISWA PADA PEMBELAJARAN PAI DI SMP N 7 BUKITTINGGI <p><em>The research is prompted by a number of issues that have been seen, including the persistence of issues with lost property, peer bullying, and the use of derogatory language by students. The goal of this study was to ascertain the significance of the connection between SMP N 7 Bukittinggi's Qudwah technique (exemplary) and the development of student character. This study is a quantitative correlational study. For this investigation, a sample of up to 35 students was selected using proportionate random sampling. The research tool in this study was a questionnaire. The Pearson Product Moment Hypothesis Test with sig. (2-tailed) 0.877 and greater than 0.05, where Ha is rejected and H0 is accepted, is used in the analysis findings technique. Therefore, it can be said that there is very low relationship.</em></p> Milda Sadri , Supriadi Supriadi, Januar Januar, Khairuddin Khairuddin Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research Wed, 03 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PERAN PENGASUH DALAM MENINGKATKAN MOTIVASI BELAJAR DI PANTI ASUHAN MUHAMMADIYAH KUBANG TUNGKEK KAB. LIMA PULUH KOTA <p><em>Motivation to learn is considered a very important factor for children, especially those living in orphanages. With the motivation given to them by their caregivers, they learn diligently to become human beings who are beneficial to the nation, state and religion. Of course, foster children in orphanages lack facilities and attention to their learning. Increasing the learning motivation of foster children using the group guidance method is an activity that involves all foster children to provide a special motivational boost for foster children when they want to achieve their learning goals. The aim of the research is to determine and increase children`s learning motivation at the muhammadiyah cab. Guguak district fifty cities through group tutoring services. The research use a descriptive qualitative method, this data collection technique is through a process of observation, interview and documentation. The results of this research reveal that there is an increase in the learning motivation of foster children an the muhammadiyah cab. Guguak district fifty cities.</em></p> Rosi Dian Syafitri , Elviana Elviana, Jhon Erita Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research Wed, 03 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALISIS PENERAPAN PEMBELAJARAN BERDIFERENSIASI DENGAN MODEL DISCOVERY LEARNING PADA PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA KELAS VIII DI SMP NEGERI 1 AMPEK ANGKEK TAHUN PELAJARAN 2023/2024 <p><em>This research is a qualitative descriptive research with a case study approach in the application of differentiated learning. The aim of this research is to describe differentiated mathematics learning using the discovery learning model to increase student activity in the classroom in the learning process. This research was carried out in line with practical field experience carried out by researchers at SMP Negeri 1 Ampek Angkek. This research also aims to improve the current learning system where teachers still use conventional methods in learning. So that students' activeness in learning in class is not visible and students' understanding of mathematical concepts is low. The subjects of this research were students in class VIII-1. The choice of class VIII-1 was due to the characteristics of students with different abilities, in accordance with the objectives of implementing differentiated learning.</em></p> Tharwati Fadhilah , Iltavia Iltavia, Rosnidar Rosnidar Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research Thu, 04 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENTINGNYA BIMBINGAN KLASIKAL DALAM PENGEMBANGAN ANAK DI PANTI ASUHAN MITRA <p><em>Classical Guidance has an important role in the development of children in partner orphanages. In this environment, Classical Guidance not only provides formal education, but also offers the emotional, social and psychological support necessary for the holistic growth of the children living there. This article explains the importance of Classical Guidance as an important foundation in shaping the potential of children in partner orphanages. The main focus is on the role of teachers or counselors in providing in-depth and Comprehensive Guidance for childrens personal development, and how this affects their lives in the future.</em></p> Putri Welly , Hidayani Syam, Nutria Desi Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research Thu, 04 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENTINGNYA BIMBINGAN KELOMPOK DALAM PERKEMBANGAN PRIBADI DI PANTI ASUHAN MITRA PAYAKUMBUH <p><em>Group coaching is an important approach in helping individuals overcome various challenges and develop their potential. This article discusses the importance of group tutoring in the context of personal, social, and academic development. By focusing on key aspects such as social support, personal growth, and improving interpersonal skills, group coaching can provide significant benefits to its participants. Group tutoring allows individuals to share experiences, create supportive relationships, and learn from each other. This helps reduce feelings of isolation and improves participants' emotional well-being. In addition, group tutoring also provides a platform for self-exploration, where participants can explore their values, beliefs and life goals. In an academic context, group tutoring can increase learning motivation and facilitate cooperative learning. Group discussions and exchange of ideas can enrich participants' understanding of the subject matter. In addition, group tutoring can help in overcoming learning difficulties and improving&nbsp;study&nbsp;skills.</em></p> Najla Hana Rifasya , Hidayani Syam, Nutria Desi Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research Thu, 04 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PERAN BIMBINGAN DAN KONSELING DALAM PENINGKATAN KOMUNIKASI EFEKTIF PADA GENERASI Z DI PANTI ASUHAN MANDE KANDUANG <p><em>In this study, most generation Z were not able to communicate directly due to a lack of self-confidence and ineffective communication. Communication is an important and necessary tool in everyday life to establish relationships with other people. Communication is considered important for generation Z, because they, as the future generation, must understand how to communicate effectively among the general public and must be able to answer questions spontaneously. Currently, generation Z has a close relationship with technology, the need to depend on the internet both in the social world, education, knowledge of something that makes them unable to communicate in the real world. The purpose of this research is information regarding the role of BK in improving effective communication in generation Z. The research method used is descriptive qualitative. So it was concluded that collaborating with the orphanage administrators by reviewing the positive things that were expected to happen optimally. The data collection techniques used were observation and interviews, where the author interviewed orphanage administrators regarding their communication skills in increasing effective communication. In analyzing the data, data reduction and data verification were carried out by summarizing the data found in the field. Guidance and counseling services should be directed at equipping generation Z with superior character by utilizing information and communication technology so that they can lead them towards a bright future. From this, it can be seen that development guidance and counseling will play a very important role in facing and preparing a quality generation Z.</em></p> Cindy Riswana Putri , Dodi Pasila Putra Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research Fri, 05 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 UPAYA PENINGKATAN RASA PERCAYA DIRI SISWA DI PANTI ASUHAN AUR PAKAN KAMIS <p><em>The background of this research is the discovery of self-confidence problems in </em><em>children at the Panti Asuhan Aur Pakan Kamis</em><em>, which are characterized by a sense of shame in expressing opinions and appearing in public. This study aims to determine the efforts to increase the self-confidence of </em><em>children at the Panti Asuhan Aur Pakan Kamis</em><em>. This research is a qualitative research using a phenomenological approach. Collecting data in this study is through observation. The results showed that many </em><em>children at the Panti Asuhan Aur Pakan Kamis</em> <em>had less than optimal self-confidence, so self-development was needed through one of the guidance and counseling services.</em></p> Ema Tami Lestari , Dodi Pasilaputra Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research Sat, 06 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 UPAYA MENINGKATKAN FEELING OF INFERIORITY MELALUI KONSELING INDIVIDUAL DIPANTI ASUHAN MANDEH KANDUANG <p><em>This research is entitled efforts to increase feelings of inferiority through individual counseling in the Mendeh Kanduang orphanage where clients who have symptoms that appear to lack self-confidence, tend to close themselves off and withdraw from the environment both in the school environment and in the family environment in the orphanage, as well as Excessive worry is motivated by a lack of love from parents, making the counselee afraid of not getting love from their parents or those around them. Therefore, counselors provide assistance to clients who are affected by feelings of inferiority. The aim of this research is to find out how counselors try to overcome feelings of inferiority, namely through individual counseling services. Individual counseling is carried out in order to find out the problems that occur in the counselee. The research method used is descriptive qualitative, to describe the counselor's efforts to overcome feelings of inferiority through individual counseling. This research uses data collection techniques through interviews and documentation obtained from the counselees, orphanage mothers and friends of the counselees in the orphanage.</em></p> Syakila Errina Fitri , Dodi Pasilaputra Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research Sat, 06 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 KEPEMIMPINAN TRANSFORMASIONAL DALAM KONTEKS KEPEMIMPINAN KRISTEN <p><em>Transformational leadership, the primary focus of leadership research, is recognized for its potential to bring about positive changes in individuals and organizations. In the context of Christian leadership, where spiritual and moral values dominate, this study explores the effective integration of transformational leadership principles. Through a literature review, the research aims to develop a holistic understanding of transformational leadership in Christian leadership, identifying current perspectives and findings through an examination of academic literature. The method involves selecting literature based on inclusion criteria related to transformational leadership and the Christian context, with an in-depth analysis of findings and researchers' perspectives. The results indicate that transformational leadership in the Christian context reflects a unique pattern, where Christian values such as love, service, and integrity are the primary drivers of leaders' motivation. Christian leaders applying this model tend to motivate through spiritual aspects, guide for spiritual growth, and promote community service as integral to leadership. These findings provide a crucial foundation for understanding transformational leadership in Christian communities, with significant implications for leadership concept development and potential further research on its practical implementation.</em></p> Adri Tanga Pauwang , Yelmi Nino, Windi Kala' Liling, Selpianty Rombe, Diana Ripa Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PERAN KELUARGA DALAM MEMBENTUK IDENTITAS KRISTIANI PADA ANAK <p><em>This research aims to explore the role played by families in shaping Christian identity in children. Religious identity is acquired through complex interactions between individuals and the family environment. In this context, the study focuses on how Christian values, beliefs, and practices are transmitted and internalized within the family environment. Qualitative research methods were employed, including a case study conducted within the researcher's surroundings, as well as a literature review on relevant topics. Christian families with primary school-aged children were selected as research subjects using a purposive sampling approach. Data were then analyzed using a thematic analysis approach. Initial findings indicate that the role of parents in setting examples, educating, and celebrating religious activities has a significant impact on the formation of Christian identity in children. Religious habits within the family, including communal prayer and participation in church worship, also play a crucial role in solidifying religious identity. Social environmental factors, particularly family involvement in religious communities and Christian religious education, enrich the religious experiences of children. However, challenges such as the influence of secular environments and cultural changes also play a role in the dynamics of Christian identity formation. The results of this research are expected to provide a deeper understanding of the complexity of interactions between families and the Christian identity of children. The implications of this research may contribute to the development of Christian religious education programs and provide guidance for Christian families in guiding their children towards a steadfast religious identity.</em></p> Friska Novianti , Meryam Bura, Sarma Sitorus, Limbong Limbong, Mariam Massang Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENGEMBANGAN LKPD PADA BIDANG STUDI PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM DI SDN 02 SIKAPAK BARAT KOTA PARIAMAN <p class="abstrak"><em><span lang="EN-US" style="font-size: 12.0pt; font-family: 'Garamond',serif;">Islamic religious education is a planned conscious effort in preparing students to understand, recognize, live and believe in the teachings of the Islamic religion. The results of observations in the field are still not available student worksheets (LKPD) for students. This study aims to develop LKPD in the field of study of Islamic religious education at SDN 02 Attitudeak Barat, Pariaman City. This type of research is Research and Development (R&amp;D) using the 4D model carried out up to the development stage (develop). The subjects of this study were Islamic Religious Education lecturers, PAI teachers and fourth grade students at SDN 02 Attitudeak Barat, Pariaman City. The research object is in the form of LKPD in the field of PAI studies on the Material of the Story of the Prophet Muhammad's Hijrah to the City of Medina for class IV SD/MI students. . Based on the results of the research conducted, it was found that teaching materials through validity tests obtained a validation value of 84.13% in the valid category and for the practicality test obtained a practicality value of 91.48% in the practical category through practicality tests by the teacher, very practical by students 91.22 % with very practical category. Therefore, it can be concluded that the development of worksheets in the field of Islamic religious education studies on environmental pollution material is valid and practical for use by fourth grade students.</span></em></p> Putri Mardiah , Khairuddin Khairuddin , Alimir Alimir Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 SISTEM INFORMASI GEOGRAFIS PERSEBARAN PONDOK PESANTREN DI KABUPATEN DEMAK TAHUN 2021 <p><em>Islamic boarding schools as traditional Islamic educational institutions have an important role in forming community character and religious identity. As an area rich in Islamic history, Demak Regency is the focus of Islamic boarding school development. The aim of this research is to analyze and document the distribution of Islamic boarding schools in Demak Regency as well as the factors that influence the distribution and growth of Islamic boarding schools in the area. The research methodology uses a qualitative approach using data collection techniques such as field surveys, in-depth interviews with Islamic boarding school managers, and geospatial data analysis. Primary data was obtained through direct observation in the field and in-depth interviews with key stakeholders. Secondary data was obtained from official government sources, religious institutions, and related literature.</em></p> Septiana Zuhro Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PERILAKU CYBER BULLYING PADA REMAJA <p><em>Cyberbullying is a form of bullying that is very vulnerable to occurring in teenagers, which is now easier and more often done using electronic or digital tools. The aim of this research is to determine cyberbullying behavior with its impact and the factors that influence cyberbullying behavior in adolescents. The method used by researchers is the library research method, library study. The results of the research were carried out by analyzing journals related to cyberbullying in adolescents. Based on the results of the analysis, it is known that Cyberbullying is an action carried out by a person or group of people against another individual via text messages, images/photos or videos that tend to be degrading and harassing. Apart from that, cyberbullying can have a serious impact on an individual's mental development, one of the negative impacts being low self-confidence. Feeling lonely and isolated from the surrounding environment. On the other hand, there are also internal factors, including; Internal behavior is related to the personality characteristics of the perpetrator who lacks empathy. The external factors are caused by the rapid development of technology, as well as the increasingly easy way for technology to provide open social media for teenagers.</em></p> Mahasri Shobabiya, Rafi Iqbal Maulana , Dimas Faturrahman Hanafi, Muhammad Faruq Abbad Rosidi Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 MENINGKATKAN KETERAMPILAN SOSIAL MELALUI METODE BERMAIN PERAN PADA ANAK USIA DINI KELOMPOK A USIA 4-5 TAHUN DI PAUD SPS MELATI 1 GUNUNGBATU KECAMATAN CIRACAP <p><em>This research was motivated by the problems found in group A children at SPS PAUD Melati 1 Gunungbatu, Ciracap District regarding social skills. The alternative problem solving carried out in this research is to use the role playing method. The aim of this research is firstly, to find out how teachers implement the role playing method in improving the social skills of group A early childhood children at SPS PAUD Melati 1 Gunungbatu, Ciracap District, Academic Year 2022/2023. secondly, to find out the results of the teacher's application of the role-playing method to the social skills of group A early childhood children at SPS PAUD Melati 1 Gunungbatu, Ciracap District, Academic Year 2022/2023. This type of research uses Classroom Action Research (PTK) with descriptive-qualitative data analysis techniques. The research results show that there is an increase in children's social skills starting from the pre-cycle, action planning, namely cycle I to cycle II. The expected results were finally achieved in cycle II, namely that there were 80% of children with the Developing According to Expectations (BSH) criteria, 20% were starting to develop and there were no longer any students with the Not Yet Developing (BB) criteria.</em></p> Sri Rahayu , Ibnu Hurri, Asep Munajat Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research Tue, 09 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALISIS KETERAMPILAN SHOOTING MENGGUNAKAN KAKI BAGIAN DALAM PADA PERMAINAN SEPAK BOLA BAGI MAHASISWA PROGRAM STUDI PENDIDIKAN JASMANI UNIMUDA SORONG <p><em>The aim of this study was to analyze the skill of shooting using the inside of the foot in football among Physical Education students at Unimuda Sorong. The research adopted a quantitative descriptive approach. The method used was a survey method employing a shooting test instrument for data collection. The research subjects comprised 16 third-semester physical education students. The analysis technique applied was descriptive statistics, presenting frequencies in percentage form. According to the research analysis, the skill of shooting using the inside of the foot in soccer among Physical Education students at Unimuda Sorong is categorized as follows: excellent, 0 individuals or 0%; good, 5 individuals or 31.25%; adequate, 6 individuals or 37.5%; inadequate, 3 individuals or 18.75%; and very inadequate, 2 individuals or 12.5%. The majority fell into the 'adequate' category, encompassing 6 individuals or 37.5%.</em></p> Sugiono Sugiono, Waskito Aji Suryo Putro, Istiyono Istiyono Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research Mon, 29 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 MENGKAJI POLA ASUH OTORITER TERHADAP KELEKATAN PADA DEWASA AWAL <p><em>Attachment is an emotional bond between children and parents that lasts long enough in the span of human life, leading children to feel pleasure when they interact with them. Authoritarian parenting is a parent's restriction of a child's actions or behavior by setting standard parental rules that the child must obey and providing punishment if the child breaks the rules, but authoritarian parents pay little attention to the child. This research aims to explain the influence of authoritarian parenting on early adulthood's attachment to parents. This research uses a quantitative approach with a simple linear regression research type. The population used in this research were active students at University X in North Bekasi. In this research, the data collection technique was by distributing questionnaires via Google Form which contained instruments from a psychological scale. To make things easier for researchers, data analysis was carried out using IBM SPSS Statistics version 25 software. Based on the results of data analysis, it shows that in this study students at University their parents' authoritarian upbringing. Then a significance value of 0.112 &gt; 0.05 was obtained, so it can be concluded that authoritarian parenting has no effect on attachment in early adulthood.</em></p> Wahyu Aulizalsini Alurmei , Nina Perunaziah, Widya Graha Mangkading, Dinda Ophelia, M. Al Afif Annasai Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research Sat, 13 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 STRATEGI PENGOLAAN KELAS YANG EFEKTIF DALAM MENINGKATKAN DISIPLIN BELAJAR SISWA DI MI MIFTAHUL FALAH RANDUSANGA KULON <p><em>This research aims to explain effective classroom teacher methods for improving students' disciplinary attitudes. In this research, a qualitative phenomenological approach was used; the subjects were a sixth grade teacher and several other teachers. Data was collected through interviews and observations. Then the data is analyzed by classifying, reducing, presenting and drawing conclusions. The research results show that teachers can improve students' disciplinary attitudes by optimizing classroom management, arranging seating well, playing voice intonation during learning, and ensuring that students arrive at class on time. Studies show that teachers' approaches to effective classroom management can improve students' disciplinary attitudes.</em></p> Dwi Sulistiono , Taukhid Mubarok Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research Tue, 16 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENDEKATAN KONTRUKTIVIS SOSIAL DALAM PEMBELAJARAN <p><em>The social constructivist approach is a learning paradigm that emphasizes the role of social interaction in building students' knowledge and understanding. This approach highlights the importance of collaboration, dialogue and joint activities between teachers and students, as well as between students, as a way to build knowledge together. In social constructivist learning, knowledge is not only viewed as information conveyed by the teacher, but as the result of a joint construction process through social interaction.</em> <em>Social constructivist learning promotes active and participatory learning, where students not only receive information but are also involved in constructing their own understanding through discussions, questions and answers, and group activities. Teachers act as learning facilitators who encourage students to think critically, stimulate the exchange of ideas, and construct knowledge together.</em> <em>The importance of the social constructivist approach lies in its ability to build deep understanding, increase student engagement, and develop social and cognitive skills. By placing an emphasis on social interaction, this approach creates a learning environment that supports students' cognitive growth and social development. Therefore, the implementation of social constructivism in an educational context can increase the effectiveness of learning and prepare students to face future challenges.</em></p> Saarah Shafa Salsabila , Septi Gumiandari Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research Mon, 22 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 HAK DAN PERLINDUNGAN ANAK DALAM PENDIDIKAN ISLAM <p><em>This article aims to provide an understanding of children's rights and protection from an Islamic perspective. Specifically about how to fulfill children's needs. Welfare is a condition where all a person's life needs can be fulfilled and can achieve satisfaction. Children are the ones whose welfare must be taken into account, whether it is physical welfare, inner welfare, or social welfare because children are individuals who will carry on their dreams. -the ideals of the nation and becoming the next generation of a country. Currently, the condition of children in Indonesia still needs to be addressed by the government and other parties because their welfare is problematic. There are many things that cause children's needs and rights to not be met, Fulfilling the rights of children who are deprived of them because they have to work and the influence of the psychosocial conditions of children when they work will affect the child's growth and development process. Islam views children as expensive gifts with sacred status. This expensive gift is a trust that must be guarded and protected by parents in particular, because children are assets of parents and assets of the nation. Islam has paid great attention to the protection of children. Protection in Islam includes physical, psychological, intellectual, moral, economic and others. This is explained in the form of fulfilling all their rights, guaranteeing their food and clothing needs, maintaining their good name and dignity, maintaining their health, choosing good friends to associate with, avoiding violence, and so on.</em></p> Muhammad Syafril Sunusi, Saprin Saprin, Syarifuddin Ondeng Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research Thu, 25 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 ANALISIS KETERAMPILAN SHOOTING MENGGUNAKAN KAKI BAGIAN DALAM PADA PERMAINAN SEPAK BOLA BAGI MAHASISWA PROGRAM STUDI PENDIDIKAN JASMANI UNIMUDA SORONG <p><em>The aim of this study was to analyze the skill of shooting using the inside of the foot in football among Physical Education students at Unimuda Sorong. The research adopted a quantitative descriptive approach. The method used was a survey method employing a shooting test instrument for data collection. The research subjects comprised 16 third-semester physical education students. The analysis technique applied was descriptive statistics, presenting frequencies in percentage form. According to the research analysis, the skill of shooting using the inside of the foot in soccer among Physical Education students at Unimuda Sorong is categorized as follows: excellent, 0 individuals or 0%; good, 5 individuals or 31.25%; adequate, 6 individuals or 37.5%; inadequate, 3 individuals or 18.75%; and very inadequate, 2 individuals or 12.5%. The majority fell into the 'adequate' category, encompassing 6 individuals or 37.5%.</em></p> Sugiono Sugiono , Waskito Aji Suryo Putro, Istiyono Istiyono, Harmaman Harmaman Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research Wed, 31 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 PENGEMBANGAN STRATEGI PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS NILAI KRISTEN UNTUK MENANGGAPI TANTANGAN BUDAYA KONTEMPORER <p><em>This research aims to develop a Christian values-based learning strategy that is responsive to the challenges of contemporary culture in Christian educational environments. Through a holistic approach encompassing literature review and qualitative analysis, this study focuses on aligning Christian values with the dynamics of contemporary culture. The literature review provides a profound theoretical foundation, identifying effective approaches to integrate Christian values into education. Qualitative analysis involves case studies with stakeholders, enabling a deep understanding of the challenges and dynamics of contemporary culture in Christian educational settings. The findings of this research are expected to contribute to the development of a learning strategy that emphasizes the formation of students' character and the application of Christian values in navigating evolving cultural changes. Thus, this study provides a solid foundation for the development of relevant and responsive Christian education to meet the challenges of contemporary culture.</em></p> Novita Sapan , Seprianti Seprianti, Ravika Ravika , Jeni Tandi Limbong Copyright (c) 2024 EDUCATIONAL JOURNAL : General and Specific Research Thu, 01 Feb 2024 00:00:00 +0700